Are you about to rejoin the workforce?

The pandemic has forced many of us to lose our jobs. The unemployment rate peaked in September last year but has either remained flat or decreased as months go by. Now, we are starting to see people joining the workforce again as our economy slowly recovers.

However, rejoining the workforce can be a challenge, especially when so many people are trying to secure the same position as you. Whether you were let go during the pandemic or a fresh graduate trying to secure their first job, these tips may be of help to you:

Tips to rejoin the workforce

1) Find your interests

After being unemployed for so long, it’s completely normal to feel unmotivated to start working again. But we all need to start somewhere. The first thing you can do is to figure out what do you want to get out of a job—does the job sparks interest in you and does it help you to grow professionally? Be clear of what you want to pursue and only then you can match your interests with the jobs available.

2) Build and update your portfolio

As you may have already known, it’s highly competitive for anyone to get a job these days. So, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you will need to have an incredible portfolio. While you wait for a job offer, why not take an online course or volunteer? This is a great way to showcase your skills and dedication and also prove that you are a self-starter.

3) Put your name out there

With plenty of job application platforms available, you will need to put yourself out there. Don’t just focus on one platform and one platform only. Upload your resume on multiple platforms or job-matching websites and actively posts on social media such as LinkedIn or Facebook. This is where your networking skills will come in handy!

4) Practice for your interviews

The key to acing job interviews is preparation. Before you attend any job interview, be sure to research the company, its work culture and if possible, the people who will be interviewing you. This will help you to plan your answers beforehand and make you appear more prepared during the interview.

Keep in mind to prepare unique answers—something that the interviewers might’ve never heard before. And only focus on the important points, stay away from mentioning your family’s background or your friend’s. When in doubt, just keep your answers short and concise.

5) Be open to new experiences

In today’s economy, you might need to make some compromises. You need to be open to new experiences, such as working part-time or doing some contract work. Don’t see them as a waste of time but look at them as opportunities to gain new knowledge and skills. These short-term jobs can further help you network and build your portfolio.

As our economy slowly recovers, more and more job opportunities will open up to you. Although getting back into the workforce after some time can seem intimidating, with the right preparation, you can start your work with confidence.

And if you want to secure a recession-proof job, we are more than happy to have you on our team! Working as a financial adviser can give you peace of mind knowing that you can get unlimited income with a work-life balance without having to worry about job security.

Here at KWO, our senior financial advisers will guide all newcomers and veterans alike as they pursue this promising career. If you are interested to join us, get in touch with us today!

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